Portalul comunelor www.comune.ro - Reclama ta aici - peste 25000 pagini
www.comune.ro - Portalul comunelor | Summary



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The Romanian communes web-gate - www.comune.ro - is an output medium of the local communities, at the administrative level. Thus, there are presented the towns and the communes, by their local administrations, councils and mayoralties. The terms of use are presented in Terms and Conditions. The maps are property of web administration. The portal has over 3500 pages, with a tree-structure. 
Romania, as administrative structure, has 41 counties (“judete”) and Bucharest municipality, the country capital. Unofficially, there are mentions about the historical provinces/ regions, such as  Transilvania, Muntenia, Dobrogea, Moldova, Bucovina, Maramures, Crisana, Banat as well as Basarabia (now the  Republic of Moldovia).

The access within the portal is made through the Romania’s map or by the search engines within the web page.

Romania has a distinct web page in which the administrative, geographic, historical, Romania coat of armscultural and political data are presented. You can see the Romania’s web page.

From Romania’s map you can open the pages for the counties by clicking on it! 
The counties are described with brief administrative data and there are also presented their towns, communes, culture and history, as well as economic information and a summary in English. 
The filling of the data will be done once with the portal development. From the county’s web page, it can be accessed any commune or town from the list or you can simply click on the county’s map. The member communes are marked in the list. The members may present their communes in any language they prefer.

The presentation of the communes consists from general data, symbols and specific products up to descriptions of the place, of the villages that are part of the commune, of the areas that have a special regime and of the national parks. I have chapters that mainly Romania flagpresent the soil and subsoil qualities and richness, the problems related to the environment protection at local level, culture, history, education, religious establishments, social and sports activities, as well as  the economy and endowment with utilities of the commune. You can also watch a photo gallery with the most representative photos of the commune. 
The local administration is represented by its structure (the town hall and the local council) and by the documents issued, by capital statements, by decisions of the local councils, as well as by the announcements and the opportunities for investments.

For a fast search for the commune, there is a Communal Matrix with symbols.

The portal contains fields related to the local communities. Thus, the “Communal Pages”romania map chapter contains reports, interviews, statements, initiatives, complaints, campaigns.

The “Consultancy” chapter offers analysis, information and solutions for some problems regarding the Local Development, the quality of the product, the Community and environment protection, technical solutions for communication, hard and soft, projects.

The central galleries present collections of blazons, coat of arms, flags, counties’ maps, presentation headers in the portal, logos, specific images and monuments.

There are links towards useful information: weather, postal codes, Romtelecom information, exchange rates, English-Romanian dictionary and the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language (DEX).

Messages can be transmitted by the form from the Contact page.

There are over 3500 pages available for advertising.

Nr County Inhabitants area
Density City/Towns/Communes Total Villages
1 Alba (AB) 390000 6242 (2.62%) 62.48 4 / 7 / 66 77 658
2 Arad (AR) 460000 7754 (3.25%) 59.32 1 / 9 / 68 78 273
3 Arges (AG) 650000 6826 (2.86%) 95.22 3 / 4 / 95 102 577 
4 Bacau (BC) 705000 6621 (2.78%) 106.48 3 / 5 / 85 93 491 
5 Bihor (BH) 600000 7544 (3.16%) 79.53 4 / 6 / 90 100 435
6 Bistrita Nasaud (BN) 310000 5355 (2.25%) 57.89 1 / 3 / 58 62 235
7 Botosani (BT) 450000 4986 (2.09%) 90.25 2 / 5 / 70 77 336
8 Braila (BR) 375000 4766 (2.00%) 78.68 1 / 3 / 40 44 140 
9 Brasov (BV) 590000 5363 (2.25%) 110.01 4 / 5 / 49 58 149 
10 BUCURESTI (B)  1925000 238  
8,088.24  1/0/0 
11 Buzau (BZ) 495000 6103 (2.56%) 81.11 2 / 3 / 82 87 482
12 Calarasi (CL) 325000 5088 (2.13%) 63.88 2 / 3 / 48 53 160
13 Caras Severin (CS) 335000 8520 (3.57%) 39.32 2 / 6 / 69 77  287
14 Cluj (CJ) 705000 6674 (2.80%) 105.63 5 / 1 / 75 81  420
15 Constanta (CT) 715000  7071  (2.97%) 101.12  3 / 9 / 58 70 189 
16 Covasna (CV) 220000 3710 (1.56%) 59.30 2 / 3 / 39 44 122
17 Dambovita (DB) 540000  4054 (1.70%)  133.20  2 / 4 / 83 89 361 
18 Dolj (DJ) 735000 7414 (3.11%) 99.14 3 / 4 /104 111 380
19 Galati (GL) 620000  4466 (1.87%)  138.83  2/2/60  64  180 
20 Giurgiu (GR) 300000  3526 (1.48%)  85.08  1/2/51  54  166 
21 Gorj (GJ) 385000  5602 (2.35%)  68.73  2/7/61  70  414 
22 Harghita (HR) 325000 6639 (2.78%) 48.95 4 / 4 / 59 67 236 
23 Hunedoara (HD) 485000 7063 (2.96%) 68.67 7 / 7 / 55 69  457 
24 Ialomita (IL) 295000  4453  (1.87%) 66.25 3/4/57  64  121 
25 Iasi (IS) 815000 5476 (2.30%) 148.83 2 / 3 / 91  96 422 
26 Ilfov (IF) 300000  1583 (0.66%)  189.51  0/8/32  40  102 
27 Maramures (MM) 510000 6304 (2.64%) 80.90 2 / 11 / 63 76  226 
28 Mehedinti (MH) 305000  4933 (2.07%)  61.83  2/3/59  64  344 
29 Mures (MS) 580000 6714 (2.82%) 86.39 4 / 7 / 91  102 466 
30 Neamt (NT) 555000 5896 (2.47%) 94.13 2 / 3 / 76 81  339
31 Olt (OT) 490000  5498 (2.31%)  89.12  2/6/104  112  378 
32 Prahova (PH) 830000  4716 (1.98%)  176.00  2/12/89  103  405 
33 Salaj (SJ) 250000 3864 (1.62%) 64.70 1 / 3 / 57 61  287
34 Satu Mare (SM) 365000 4418 (1.85%) 82.62 2 / 3 / 58  63 226
35 Sibiu (SB) 420000 5432 (2.28%) 77.32 2 / 9 / 53 64  163 
36 Suceava (SV) 690000 8553 (3.59%) 80.67 5 / 11 / 96 112  396
37 Teleorman (TR) 435000  5790 (2.43%)  75.13  3/2/92  97  231 
38 Timis (TM) 680000 8697 (3.65%) 78.19 2 / 8 / 85 95  317 
39 Tulcea (TL) 260000  8499 (3.57%)  30.59  1/4/46  51  133 
40 Valcea (VL) 415000  5765 (2.42%)  71.99  2/8/80  90  550 
41 Vaslui (VS) 455000 


85.56  3/1/71  75   449
42 Vrancea (VN) 390000  4857 (2.04%)  80.30  1/4/59  64  331 
  TOTAL 21680000 238391 (100%) 90.94  102/212/2824  3138  13034 


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***||comuna, judet, provincie istorica, primarie, web, harta | Portalul comunelor este o enciclopedie web parte din Infogrupul comunitatilor si prezinta comuna, sate componente, comunitate locala, harta, judet si provincie istorica, primarie si consiliu local, turism si hoteluri, galerii foto! ***||Literatura Mircea BatranuLiteratura Mircea Batranu, Blogul de literatura prezinta în pagini separate Proiectul literar Pacatele vointei, Proiectul serial De vorba cu sotia mea, Proza scurta, literatura romantica si fantastica, schite, momente, scenarii, nuvele, povestiri, romane. ***||Poveste de pe net-3D Cartea iubirii; Proiectul literar Pacatele vointei. O poveste de dragoste nascuta pe net, despre dorinta, daruire, pasiune si iubire sub semnul runei Perthro ai al curcubeului! Intre agonie si extaz! ***||Nea Vasile si japonezul Cartea cunoasterii, Nea Vasile si japonezul, omul pamantului si omul lunii; cea mai mare descoperire a omenirii, despre secretul si dreptul pamantului! ***||Poker la Finisterre Cartea sperantei. Despre Calea vietii si Calea spiritului la capatul lumii, la Finisterre sub semnul runei Ansuz. Despre cea mai mare experienta a omenirii! ***||Carierista, cartea interzisa Cartea rostului! O carte despre razvratirea codului feminin si infernul lumii de azi! ***||Analistii Cartea Cautarii este un omagiu adus analistilor si cercetatorilor, celor ce gasesc portile spre civilizatia viitorului si se afla sub simbolul buddhist al „Nodului fara sfârsit”- shrivasta, al miracolelor universului si al vietii eterne. ***||Ciclopul, varanul si presedintele Cartea datoriei este o carte despre onoare sub semnul magic al heptagramei; ***||Pastile si tablete Mircea Batranu Pastile si tablete despre lumea de azi.

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